
Marilyn (mom) & Marisa (daughter)

“Unless you look like…, dress like …, act like …, you’ll never be thin enough, cool enough or good enough.” Sound familiar?

Marilyn: “One beautiful summer day when my daughter, Marisa, was in high school, I joined a group of her friends at the kitchen table. As they snacked on warm, chewy ginger cookies and Chai, they tackled topics at a dizzying speed: college application stress, the refugee crisis, which celebrities were cheating and whose plastic surgery got botched.

“Can someone please explain this New York Times headline about the economic crisis?!” interjected Ali, Marisa’s friend. “I’ve been too embarrassed to ask anyone.” As I listened, I realized that these girls were entering young adulthood at a serious disadvantage. They were virtually in the dark about important matters happening in the world around them and had few role models to aspire to. And the world needs girls- now more than ever.

Women everywhere suffer from insecurity, not feeling good enough, lack of confidence, and self-doubt. A sense of being undeserving. My husband and I tried to raise our own daughters with a sense of moral integrity, positive self worth, and a can-do attitude, but I realized that the problems that they and other girls face couldn’t be addressed on an individual level. No matter how curious, smart, athletic, empathetic or kind we are, girls feel as if they are just not measuring up. Conversations about the world, their role in it and what matters to THEM are just not happening, perhaps drowned out in the drone of celebrity worship and a toxic media culture.”

Marisa: “If we could have access to positive messages and support, to conversations that matter to us, we could have the confidence to dream big dreams and go after those dreams without reservation or doubt.”

Out of this need, the 7 Sisters Project was born.

We believe that girls and women are able to be the best version of ourselves and have a positive impact on the world when we are part of an empowering, supportive, caring and compassionate community.

7 Sisters is that community. It is a place where girls have the opportunity to own their story, to speak about the issues that girls face every day without the pressures and misinformation the media bombards us with.

Women are half the world, and together we can reclaim our power. So we invite you to connect, share your story, watch our videos, talk to our Experts, make your own videos. We want to hear from you!

Bring your stories, your challenges and your triumphs, your dreams. Come, tell us your story. There’s plenty of room at our table.